
Welcome to Pandanda Guy with me, CPGuy! I hope you enjoy the cheats, hints, secrets and help that I post! Tell your friends, leave a comment and enjoy!

Thursday, 16 April 2009

1st Beta Item - Scrambled!

FINAL UPDATE Beta Item Revealed!

Wow, the very first Pandanda Beta Item will be released this Saturday 18th April 2009! Here is a picture of it:

As you can see, it has been scrambled and it will be unscrambled day by day until it gets added to your closet on Saturday! A Beta Item is an item that gets released specialy during the Beta Period and will never be realeased in Pandanda never ever NEVER EVER again!!! So make sure you don't miss it coz all yo have to do is log on on Saturday and it will be added to your closet!!
Check here every day to see the photo unscrabled bit by bit!

Yours Panda-ing

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